Russell Meyers    03 Sept 2022
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If we want a choice beyond two parties, then we have to give ourselves that choice.

I know, the title of this sounds pretty aggressive, even rude. In truth, it’s meant to be honest, not rude. It’s meant to grab your attention. So, if you’re reading or watching this, then it worked.

I have gotten some comments in private, saying that my approach can be too aggressive. I admit that I can absolutely be aggressive at times. For the right reasons. The fact is, if you want a leader who is going to fight for your rights and not back down, then that is what you have to be backing. 

If you want someone who is going to run for office, get your support and your money, then just end their campaign because they ran out of money or lost a rigged primary, then campaign for the opponent that you dislike and maybe even voted against, you have many options to choose from. One of those options being a bit more obvious than others. I do not happen to be one of those options. Those options are the same ones that, if elected, would also surrender very quickly at the slightest opposition once they were elected as president. That’s not a fighter, that’s a figurehead. They got what they wanted from you already. 

I hear people say, “This candidate lost.” That’s actually not true. If that person is still in Congress or in business, selling books you would not have bought otherwise, getting paid speaking engagements, still have their salary, their own universal healthcare, their pension higher than you have ever earned as a wage, they haven’t lost anything. They still have all of this and you are still paying for it. YOU lost. You are still losing. You will still be losing while they will still be collecting for the rest of your life. 

There is no chance that I am going to end my campaign for lack of funding. I am not trying to get wealthy with this. I am not trying to sell you any books. Though, if I publish one, I hope you’ll buy it. That’s just honesty. There is no chance I am going to drop out and endorse my opponent for the sake of a particular party. I will not engage in the “we have to beat (insert name or party here).” That is the exact opposite of what I am trying to achieve here. 

I have the saying, “One option is a mandate. Two options are an ultimatum. It takes at least three options for you to have a choice.” That is what I am trying to achieve. To give the American people a realistic choice. 

Some people may try and call me an extremist. I am not an extremist. I am extremely rational and balanced. I view the two major parties as being truly extremist. They are for corporate profits, corporate control, imperialism, warfare, stripping away your rights, silencing your voice for their own agenda and their own grip on power. The Libertarian party is extremist to the far right, even opposing the existence of Social Security, public schools and a minimum wage. They want everything privatized and for profit, which only exacerbates the flow of wealth to the top at your expense. I supported Jill Stein, who was also rational and balanced but since she is no longer leading the Green Party, they have also become quite extremist. I avoid extremism. I want to restore your human and civil rights. I want prosperity for all Americans, not just a few. I am opposed to violent revolution. Not that I can stop it if it happens organically, which is a possibility between now and 2025, when the next president takes office. I am not going to promote it, though. I will not consciously align myself with those who do promote violence. I do not want to eliminate currency or religion, though I will not promote any religion. I promote humanity. 

I hear people of all parties say they are sick of the two party system. At the moment I am composing this, Congress has a 55.5% disapproval rating and a 20.9% approval rating. That’s according to the government’s own website. People want more choices that represent their interests, their well-being. Yet, especially of those who have historically aligned with the two major parties, they will still defend their chosen party. Why? Because they say, “WE have to WIN against (insert name or party here)!” They even completely realize that each time the two parties win, no matter which one, they, themselves have lost. So, I ask. What are you “winning”? How many times are you going to believe that, “This time will be different”? No, it won’t. As long as you continue handing the two parties power, it will never be different. Like I stated earlier, even when a member of Congress “loses”, they haven’t lost. You will be paying their way for the rest of your life and they will probably be living better than you can ever hope for. I call that welfare, don’t you? 

Back to the title. 

I said from the very beginning that this is a war that I know I am up against. That we are up against. It is something that I will continue circling back around to on occasion because it’s not going away anytime soon. I have no choice but to keep addressing it. 

Do you really want a leader who will fight for you? Or just someone who looks pretty and says what you want to hear while selling you down the river to their wealthy friends and rich donors? 

The people I want supporting me, fighting these battles with me are the people who truly want change. Not those who only offer lip service. The ones who genuinely have the strength to see things through to the White House and beyond. That will continue fighting with me even if we do not gain the White House. The ones who are going to try and discourage, infiltrate, demoralize, laugh and divide are the ones to be on guard against because they will be there. Some will literally be paid saboteurs. Many from opposing campaigns like Correct The Record. Some may actually be from within the government because that has been proven over and over to be a factor in a campaign like this one. These are historical facts and it is still happening right now. We may even see infiltrators try and incite violence to discredit the campaign at some point. All of us must distance ourselves from those influences, except for our own strenuous condemnation of them. So, this is what I mean when I say, “Step up or shut up.” 

I am stepping up and would like you to step up with me. Because the only other option is falling further down. 

Please share this article or video. This is a true grassroots campaign and I need your help to spread awareness. It is a fact of our current system that money is necessary for a political campaign. So, if you can afford it, please donate whatever you can to help expand this campaign. Thank you.

This news item is from Russell Meyers For President 2024