Russell Meyers    30 Jul 2023
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On a daily basis, we are being subjected to rapidly heating rhetoric intended to prepare us, even motivate us toward direct warfare with Russia and/or China. 

On a daily basis, we are being subjected to rapidly heating rhetoric intended to prepare us, even motivate us toward direct warfare with Russia and/or China. 

This is nothing short of foolish. If the west starts a war with either Russia or China, the power balance would be very much in the favor of the east.

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One must take into account the treatment of the west toward the global east and south, which has resulted in animosity by the east and south. This has continued for not decades but centuries. The west has engaged in colonization, neocolonization, military occupation, exploitation, economic sanctions, embargoes, apathy and propaganda which is in no way forgotten by the victimized countries. 

We are right now watching rapidly growing alliances such as BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) that cannot be ignored. 

The fact is, the global east and south, aside from responding to instigation of military hostilities by the west, the east and south would be able to crush the west without firing a single shot. 

Remember the west relies on an economic and political system which they created and have manipulated for the purpose of their own domination through exploitation of weaker nations and populations. That entire system relies heavily on resources which they do not possess. That system has become an ideology which the entire west is unable to extricate itself from. It is a mentality indoctrinated into generation after generation of the general population which enslaves the minds of their citizens to the point that many citizens, unable to question that belief system, will die to perpetuate. 

That system is also based on imaginary numbers, created from thin air. 

Just economically, an alternative system can be created which would cripple the west, not for years but for generations. 

Let me put all of this in less abstract terms. 

Should the west instigate a war with either Russia or China, both would respond. It has become unquestionable that many other nations have extreme justification to be adversarial to the west in the event of such a conflict. They would have absolutely no choice but to be involved on one side or another for the sake of their own futures. 

The western media and political structure continues to represent things as though nothing has changed and the west is in control. This is not true. The west is not in control and has not been in control for decades. The events unfolding today have served as a means of enlightening the global east and south as to just how dependent the west is on them. 

The historical domination of the west has been implemented through technological and military superiority, which evolved into economic and ideological superiority. That superiority depends on the resources I previously mentioned. Simply put, the west will loan imaginary numbers to nations who will struggle to repay those loans. Attached to those loans are requirements for those nations to adopt ideological dictates, such as changing the functioning of their economies and changing their social structures. In many cases, the west knows these countries will default on these loans, which will then cause them to submit to austerity measures, such as privatizing social support systems and selling off nationalized industries to private western investors, even selling off parts of their own land to foreign entities. Throughout this entire process, this deprives the citizens of those countries of vital resources such as food, pensions, medical care and energy. Under austerity, the people must incur debt for medical care and experience massive unemployment or reduced incomes while also dealing with hyperinflation, making their conditions even worse. If the governments of those nations fail to adhere to arbitrary ideological dictates, they will be subjected to economic sanctions, further crippling their economies and living conditions. The goal is the complete economic, cultural and social subjugation of the people of these nations. 

Let me get to the nuts and bolts of this.

It does not actually require any declaration of war for the east and south to respond to these conditions. The methods of subjugation and political stratification they have been subjected to makes the people of these countries justifiably feel like war has already been imposed on them long ago. For decades, if not centuries, they have sought an alternative which may offer them hope for reprieve. The recent rising events are now offering them that hope, though that is against the will of western countries. They are forming political and economic alliances separate from the western economic and political system, which continues to attempt responses which amount to some form of force, which the west and south are now rejecting.

Many people think that a US declaration of war by the US directly against Russia or China is the necessary trigger to elicit a full scale response by these countries. I am not sure this is true. I believe that we are already in a form of world war, which is intensifying due to imaginary debt and enforced deprivation. These countries are responding, not with military force but with actions which have the potential to be far more effective. 

If the global west does declare war against Russia and China, both will respond. Contrary to western propaganda, Russia has not been weakened by the Ukraine conflict, they have become stronger since February of 2022. 

However, it would not only be Russia and China that would respond. In some way, other nations would be forced to engage in this conflict, as with previous world wars and this would definitely be a world war. It is absolute foolishness to think otherwise. Both sides are already forming alliances at this time, hence the frantic, rapid-fire diplomatic meetings between countries taking place. The problem with these meetings is that the west, primarily the US, is unwilling to make any compromises or even meet with Russian president Vladimir Putin. At least French president Macron walked away with billions in trade deals, which, by the way, deported French aircraft manufacturing jobs to China. While Janet Yellen walked away empty-handed, merely offering ideological rhetoric declaring American supremacy. Meanwhile, Russia and China are holding meetings and signing trade deals. In August, 41 countries to date have signed up to attend the BRICS summit, in addition to the current 5 members, with each of the 41 countries applying for membership. Just the five current members account for more than half of the global population. In addition, both Russia and China are holding military drills with numerous eastern nations with increasing frequency. 

If the west declares war, here is what the likely events which would occur would be:

In various forms, military, political and/or economic, the nations likely to become involved for the east and south would be Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Yemen, Palestine, Lebanon, Cyprus, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, India, Brazil, the UAE, South Africa, Somalia, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Vietnam, Cambodia, Mongolia, Hungary, Libya, Egypt, Turkiye, Sudan, Bukina Faso and others which lean that way at this time but are uncertain. 

As I stated earlier, these countries combined would not have to fire a shot. They possess or control access to the majority of the world’s commodities. They can deny access to iron, steel, coal, lithium, uranium and intellectual resources. Most critically, they control the majority or a critical percentage of control over food and energy. 

This is not 1914 or 1941. Just as allied countries shared resources such as weapons manufacturing, food, energy and manpower during WW2, these countries would do the same in this scenario. In WW2, a major reason for Allied victory relied heavily on control of the majority of resources. Only in this case, that would be reversed against the west. The opposing countries would share resources among them while denying access to the west. This is a standard military strategy. 

Obviously, each country has a varying degree of resources to contribute. Some countries may only be able to contribute manpower but that is a formidable resource. Meanwhile, coastal African nations can deny port access to western nations, which would be critical. They would not have to use violence, just deny access. What options would ship commanders have? Destroy the ports and their facilities? While I can see that happening, it would be pointless, except to restrict access to adversaries but it would not help them otherwise. Not then or in the future. 

Something I have not mentioned but which is possibly even more critical above all else. Economic warfare. Not only would the west lose access to resources on which western countries rely so heavily using imaginary numbers. The west also relies heavily on debt held by many of these countries. These countries can sell off all US Treasuries, sending the dollar into a death spiral. In addition, they can default on all western debt. We already see many countries using trade in currencies other than the dollar, which weakens the dollar and the SWIFT system. Because the west would be unable to depart from the aforementioned ideology based on imaginary numbers, this would cause hyperinflation in the west as never seen before. 

If such a war began, western people in the lower income classes not directly involved in the military conflict would die from starvation, homelessness, exposure and lack of energy. Of course, as with most wars, the elites would not suffer these deprivations. Massive social disruptions would occur. The response from those in power would be militia rule, militarized police, mass incarceration, loss of all civil liberties and violent force against their own citizens. Tens of millions would die from these conditions, completely separate from being involved in direct military action. During this, weapons manufacturers and for-profit prisons would continue collecting imaginary numbers at a rate not seen in world history. 

By the time all of this was over, it would take several generations for the west to recover, if that ever happened at all. To be able to recover would require acceding to a different world order in which the west was in no way dominant and would never again rise to dominance. 

Are we ready for all of this? Because if western governments continue in their present course, this is what is coming. One can try to argue against it but the majority of what I have offered here is undeniable truth. I may be overstating it or understating it by a very slight margin. If anything, I believe that it is understated and even more countries would be against the west. 

It should be obvious that I am against all of this. While other candidates or incumbents may claim to be against all of this occurring, each one of them has shown a history of being, shall we say, far more flexible and accommodating to the prevailing order than you would prefer? Each one is, in some way, an active participant to the prevailing order and have been their entire lives. How many of them have fully explained just what the risks are in our current conditions, as I have just done? Do you actually trust them to live up to their word, considering their own personal histories and current rhetoric? 

I have offered very clear policies regarding my approach to diplomacy and will continue doing so. My policies are public and well defined. Nothing about that is going to change. It is absolutely mandatory for the US to engage with other countries on an equal footing starting immediately. It is beyond time for the US to end the policy of violence, hegemony, exploitation, instigation and American exceptionalism. We cannot use military force against the majority of the planet and expect positive results. We only account for 4% of the global population. If other nations are adversarial to us, that is literally due to conditions we have created. It is our fully conscious choice and it is a choice which we cannot continue making. We are not engaging with nations that have no knowledge of their own power any more. They are sharing their knowledge of their own collective power and that is something which we cannot prevent or obstruct, no matter how we try to do so. We are entering a paradigm of global change which we can no longer direct to our selfish benefit. The role we take in this change and the result of that change is a role which we choose or one which will be chosen for us. Which would you prefer?

If elected, I would make the choice for the US to be a productive and equitably contributing member of the global society. I would choose emphatically and enthusiastically to engage with all other nations and work toward peaceful resolutions of differences. It’s really not as hard as our so-called “leaders” make it out to be. Sometimes it may take time. It may take creative effort. Those are efforts I am willing to make. What I am not willing to do is force our own citizens to suffer for poor choices directed by a select elite who have no concern for your welfare. An economy based on unending and infinitely increasing militarism is something which has been drilled into us against our will. It is detrimental to our economic, financial, social and emotional health. Peace and prosperity is a choice. Not only a political choice but a personal choice which we have to strive toward as individuals. It is not a naive choice but one which involves the ability to use reason rather than mindless aggression to solve problems. When you listen to those who claim peace efforts are naive, pay attention to their approach to all things. They have no tool in their toolbox other than force, which they use in all aspects of their lives. When they say this, they are attempting to use force against you. 

Now it is your choice. Who would you trust to stand up and lead you into this new paradigm? Someone fully conscious of that paradigm and able to adapt to it? Or someone who has shown they will bend to the existing paradigm so they can keep their place in it? It is time to make that choice. 

If you can afford it, please donate whatever you can to help expand this campaign. If you cannot afford anything, I understand. You can help tremendously by simply sharing my posts or videos and talking about this campaign to others.


This news item is from Russell Meyers For President 2024